Reduce the Friction

What drives people to commit to working with someone or purchasing a product? Your process should be all about reducing friction for your customers. Make it easy to work with you.

While there may be a lot for a lot of uncontrollable variables there are some things you can do to guide them in the right direction when they are ready.

Dumb it Down

Reduce it down to the easiest, and simplest steps for them to take. Make it fewer steps for them to do but spread them out so you still get the information you need. They will also develop more of a commitment in themselves to work with you through several Micro-Yeses (add link).

Here is an example. When asking for information from a client that is potentially interested in your service, only ask for the basic things – name, email, phone number, and maybe a selct from list option. If it’s too long people won’t fill it out becuase they are overwhelmed with what they have to fill out. If you need that information send it out after they reach out to you or go through it on a call.


There will always be questions throughout the Client Journey. If you can anticipate when those questions will come up and have content ready you can speak to your customers needs before they even know they need something. It’s like you’re reading their mind.

It’s for your benefit as well because they will show up better prepared and more at ease because their concerns and questions have already been answered.

Limited Offerings

A confused mind says no…

Sue Bryce, Portrait Photographer (maybe someone before her but that is where I heard it)

Too many options and the brain shuts down and won’t make a decision. Think of the groceries store shelves and the endless options just for pasta. It can be overwhelming. In those situations the brain can’t do heavy processing to find the right choice and may go with the usual. If the list of things is not something they experienced before it may shut down completely.

Simplifying the offering gives your clients more brain power to really take in what you offer. Thoroughly analyzing what each thing can do for them. It also gives you less things to keep track of when you have multiple clients at a time.

Define the Process

If your service has multiple steps it is best to layout those steps so your client knows what they are getting into. Then, providing a reminder or synopsis for the next step as you move through the Client Journey. This removes the doubt and unknown that may trigger uneasiness. The client is informed and can be more present for that stage if they know what to expect.

Ultimately you want your client to have a great experience with you as they move through your process. Giving them an easy, seamless service that will make them want to work with you again. You are in control of the Client’s experience and journey. More on that in the is article on the Client Journey Vs. Client Experience (add link). Make it memorable, make it easy.